
What Is a Person-Centred Care Plan and How To Use One

What Is a Person-Centred Care Plan and How To Use One

Caring for someone involves a certain amount of planning. There are practical details to consider, such as timings for medication and other treatments. However, for person-centred care, the plan needs adjusting to take into the needs of the individual.

Read on to find out what a personalised care plan approach looks like, how to use it and why it is important to review care plans.

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What Is A Personalised Care Plan?

A care plan is a written record of care outcomes following a discussion between an individual and their carer.

It usually includes medical information and clinical notes. For it to be person-centred, the plan should include personal details, mutually-agreed aims and well-being goals and any relevant details about communication and information needs.

A person-centred care plan aims to take the needs of the individual into account, giving them choice and control. A key part of creating one is the discussion between the carer and the individual. It involves them in the decision-making process.

Involvement in health decisions leads to improved outcomes and better mental well-being. There are benefits for the carer, who will have a better understanding of the person’s needs. The client will also feel the benefits, as they’re allowed to express themselves and be heard.

Tips For Personalised Care and Support Planning

As mentioned above, a person-centred approach starts with a discussion to develop the plan with the person. It might involve a friend or family member to support the process. Below, you will find some tips to guide your person-centred care planning.

  1. Base it around their needs - a plan for a child with a learning disability will have different components compared to one that is required for someone with dementia.
  2. Make it varied - the care plan should include medical information, but it should also cover details based on discussions around mental health, social support and their environment.
  3. Make it engaging - discuss their interests and incorporate your findings and some potential activities in the plan.
  4. Use a SMART structure - The plan should be built around specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound goals. We recommend using a three-part structure for each aspect that identifies the area of need, describes the desired outcomes and mentions how it can be supported.
  5. Set a review date - Care plans are active documents; as well as using them for your sessions, it’s useful to check in on your progress, review whether needs have changed and update accordingly.
  6. Pay attention to details - often, a personalised care programme approach can be greatly impacted by something that seems small. For example, not entering a room by switching on overheard lights if you are caring for someone sensitive to bright lights. Another example is using reusable products that fit their personal budget and environmental approach.

Using Care and Support Plans in Personalised Care

Person-centred care is a proactive approach that sets the right conditions early on instead of dealing with problems when they arise. As a social care worker, your aim is to improve the quality of life of your clients. Involving people in discussions, the planning process and their care and support decisions is an ongoing process.

While delivering care, it’s useful to check the plan to have the personal requirements and any specific needs in mind. It also helps to check and review the content before any changes or significant decisions are made.

When having initial discussions around personalised care and support, you might not obtain all of the information you need. Many factors play a role, including mental health problems or other conditions. You might need to do some work and draw on additional support, such as mental health services.

For these reasons, it’s essential to regularly review a plan. Not only does it ensure you’re heading in the right direction, but it also gives the person time to realise their needs.

Plan, Act and Evaluate

Giving people a say in their care is crucial to creating and delivering a plan that works for everyone and maintains empathy and respect. Referring to the plan to determine your daily actions and seeking feedback to update and refine the programme will help you stay on the right track.

If you’re interested in learning more about being a carer, you might want to find out what a day in the life of a carer looks like, or explore what care roles are available.