With so many care and support jobs vacancies within the sector, employers generally aim to make recruitment processes as straightforward and welcoming to applications as possible. Stating that ‘previous experience is necessary’ in job adverts tends to be very restrictive for most care and support jobs. Many of the best carers came into a career in care and support without any previous experience, but they had the right values and the right qualities for a career in care. Values based recruitment means it is very possible to get a job doing care work with no experience.
Values-based recruitment is an approach to recruitment that recruits people based on the values and behavior that they represent and aligns with the values of the organisation. It's not just about finding people with the right qualifications, but rather those who share your organisation values and are willing to put them into practice.
Companies who recruit using a values – based approach, this opens the potential candidate pool far wider. These businesses realise that you don’t necessarily need specific qualifications or previous experience, and what is really important is the values and behaviour towards people who need care and support that you will bring to the role.
So in your search for a great job in care and support, you will find that many organisations will focus on your values and strengths, as part of the recruitment process. This will start in the job adverts, and then form part of the application and interview process. Look out for questions about how you behave in certain situations, allowing you to explain your strengths and core values, rather than previous experience in a care and support setting.
Applying to a business that is recruiting for values is also a good sign about the type of employer that they are. Often employers who focus on values also boast boosting staff morale, staff that feel more valued, increased job satisfaction and an overall positive impact on staff turnover.
SkillsForCare state that recruiting the right staff results in lower turnover – establishing strong workplace values from the beginning and recruiting for applicants that match them.