Care Expertise Group

The Care Expertise Group is a holding company with over twenty years experience in the care sector, providing high quality, individualised care and support for adults with learning disabilities, autism and other developmental disorders, mental health needs (including those who have been detained under the Mental Health Act) sensory and communication impairments and challenging behaviour. Care Expertise has an excellent reputation for the quality and range of the services it offers.

We currently have openings for care & support positions at a 13-bed Mental Health supported living service/home in Nottingham. You will be supporting service users with specific or dual mental diagnosis such as EUPD, OCD , PD , ADHD , Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, Psychosis, Anxiety Disorders & PTSD to name but not limited

We also have openings for care & support positions at a 13-bed learning disability residential home also in Nottingham  Ideally candidates will have experience of residential or learning disability services. However if you have limited experience but have chosen Care as a career for you, do apply and you will be supported accordingly.

We also have openning for care & support worker positions in a an 18- bedded supported living service for those with learning disabilities, autism, complex needs and challenging behavior. Service users also have makes diagnosis and associated conditions.The service is based in Surrey.   Ideally candidates will have experience of residential or learning disability services. However if you have limited experience but have chosen Care as a career for you, do apply and you will be supported accordingly.