Real Life Options has been supporting people with learning disabilities and autism since 1992 to have more choice and greater control in their lives, enabling individuals to achieve their potential.
At Real Life Options we believe that having a learning disability or autism should not hold back anyone from living a full and rewarding life. With the right level of support at the right time, we enable young people and adults to be fully involved in their local communities, learn new skills and have more control of their lives.
Our staff champion the people we support to live a life full of options and purpose, encouraging them to make choices in their homes and within their communities in a way that helps them feel safe and a valued member of society.
My Real Life Options is our support and enablement model. It focuses on the key essentials that contribute towards living a full and happy life, namely having a voice that is heard and choices in the way we live our lives. Our primary role is to support people to live a life where they enjoy positive relationships and have a sense that they belong; where they have a safe place that they call home and are enabled to enjoy good health and wellbeing. Click through the circle icons below to see examples of how we are making a difference to people’s lives.