Deputy Manager - Short Stay and Respite Service


Job Description

Heritage Care, specialising in providing services for adults with Learning disabilities /mental health needs. We work with a diverse client group both within the community and in our residential Homes.

Respite support is provided to families who care for people with a learning disability and our Short stay service provides support to people who may have behaviours that challenge and provides an opportunity to develop skills to enable people to move to other services. 

The Deputy Manager will be responsible for working with the Manager to ensure that the  service promotes person centred approaches and helps people have better lives.

Job Purpose


  • To work with the Manager to ensure that services are managed efficiently and effectively and in accordance to the business aims and values of the organisation.


Main Functions 

To support the Manager.



  • To work with clients to develop a support plan and other
  • To offer support and the option for clients to develop a positive behaviour plan, and a person centred plan
  • To liaise with the community and statutory services, in order to facilitate the goal of encouraging greater participation and integration within the community for clients
  • To ensure clients are encouraged and supported to be involved in the running of their service

To ensure appropriate and necessary record keeping systems are implemented, maintained and reviewed




  • To ensure appropriate staffing levels are maintained to ensure effective support to clients and to meet Care Commission requirements. This will include arranging cover for the shifts, including use of bank/agency staff
  • To ensure that all staff receive regular supervision and performance management
  • To assess and support new staff with completion of the Care Certificate 
  • To identify staff training needs, both individual and team and to assist in the development and delivery of in-house training programmes where appropriate
  • To ensure that personnel record keeping systems are maintained and monitored, including staff rotas, records of sickness absences and annual leave, and other records as necessary
  • To ensure team meetings are held regularly and that staff receives regular feedback on performance
  • Ensure Positive behaviour support approaches are followed



  • To ensure financial transactions are recorded as detailed in the policy and the service works within the agreed budget

The postholder will undertake any other duties that are relevant/appropriate to the post. 


Our Learning Disability services range from residential care homes through to supported living, short breaks, respite and day services. We also help young people, and their families, transition from children’s services to adult support settings. We are committed to providing person-centred, responsive support to people with learning disabilities, following an ‘Active Support’ approach that helps people gain skills, confidence and control of their lives.

In order to protect both our staff and the people we support, unless there are wholly exceptional reasons (which we will consider on an individual basis), it is a requirement that all new employees have a Covid-19 vaccination prior to commencing with Ambient Support, and that they continue to receive Covid-19 vaccinations as required and in accordance with public health guidance throughout their employment with us.

Want to take your first steps to join a new rewarding career? – Click apply or please call Nikita on 07754524458 for more information